Growing Mint is a Therapeutic, it Works for Me!

Jovita A Putri
3 min readSep 6, 2019

It’s all started when I needed some mints for my tea.
I went to supermarket and found out a bunch of mints was a little bit too much for a tea. But, of course I couldn’t bargain to buy only few leaves or secretly cut some and take it back home without paying.
So, I ended up bought a bunch of mint leaves and used five leaves for my tea.
I ended up wondering where can I get a few leaves of mints for my future tea? Then it hit me, what if I grow some mints so, I don’t have go to supermarket to buy a bunch of mints only to use a little of them. That’s it!
I’m gonna start growing it.

I asked my friend and I looked up into pinterest to see how is it to growing mints from cuttings? It is actually pretty easy.
First, if you’re lucky enough find the stem that still have its root, that’s your champ! Or you could find a strong stem ones with fresh leaves on top. It’ll work both ways. Then, you need to cut some leaves and left it only with 2–3 leaves on top. Put the stem into a glass of water, replace the water regularly once in three days, wait until its root growing, move it into soil, and give them your best care!

It took only about two until three weeks to move my baby mints from glass of water to soil. Mint is really easy to grow you know and it doesn’t need a lot of care!

And where’s the therapeutic part about growing mints?
Well, it is really good to see some green figures with a little sunlight by the window every morning everytime I wake up. Also, after you’re growing it for weeks and look back into your baby picture it was kinda feel pretty amazing.
For me, who were never able to take care of living things like cats, fishes, and else, it is quite bewildering that I proved to myself I can grow and take care of mints from a stem into actually a living plant. I also have something that I look up to everyday. Whenever I’m away from home, I always thinking what would I find when I get home. Will my mints growing inches? Will it changes its direction towards sunlight? That’s the surprises. And I’m kinda be able to appreciate what life offers to us. If there’s something gone wrong to my mints, I wouldn’t instantly throw them away. But, I always try to fix it first and kinda hope they will be doing alright.

One thing that I just discovered recently, it turns out, there is something that people called “Green Therapy” or “Social and Therapeutic Holticulture”. It is the process of using plants and gardens to improve physical and mental health.

According to Sarah Rayner (a therapist), looking after plants give us some sense of “responsibility” and motivate us to become “nurturer” kind of person. It also help us to connect with other living thing (actually I greet my mints everyday like ‘good morning’ huh), and help us to feel relax and less worrying about our busy life.

I can say that I’m on board with Sarah. My indoor gardening activities has help me feel less stressed in daily life. I also beyond happy to share my activities to my friends on my social media and some of them really inspired to do the same! It is kinda like nurture and growing up a baby! It does feel amazing! Moreover, I don’t need to worry no more about my tea.

To seeing you grow everyday it is kinda amazing because I also seeing myself grow in you.

