The Existence of Pretty Little Things that Remind Us that Life Actually isn’t So Bad

Jovita A Putri
2 min readOct 23, 2018

There must be something that we can be grateful for everyday in our life,
even in heavy stormy rainy day, we must be thankful that we won’t ran out of water for the next days.

Bahkan, di tengah hiruk pikuk Kota Jakarta.
di tengah kemacetan jalanan, polusi, janji yang dibatalkan, kerjaan yang tidak kunjung kelar, sampai realita yang tidak sesuai dengan ekspektasi.

Beberapa hari lalu, saya mencoba memesan cookies cantik dari sreulysomedaykitchen. Sebenernya, saya sudah mengikuti instagram mereka sejak lama namun, kemarin baru sempat memesan cookies dari mereka. Saya pesan 2 jar cookies sekaligus yaitu Mid Summer Cookies dan Black Sesame Cookies.

Saya pilih pick up order ke tempat mereka karena jika menggunakan kurir harga deliverynya bisa sampai 150K ke tempat saya which is lebih mahal dari harga cookiesnya sendiri! Cookies ini made by order jadi, kira-kira butuh waktu 2–3 hari sebelum cookiesnya jadi.

The D-day has come! Dapurnya tidak sulit ditemukan dan packagingnya super lucu! Dari bag, kotak toples, dan toplesnya! Jadi, sebanding dengan harga jualnya hehe. Btw, ini dia penampakan cookiesnya~

Cookies from @surelysomedaykitchen

I was so excited to see the cookies and it is indeed beautiful!
terutama karena ada edible bunganya sih hehehe.

untuk rasanya well, honestly I had high expectation but turns out, there’s nothing special about the taste. It’s just like any other cookies. It was delicious but, it was fine. The smells thoooooo so damn gewd. It was worth to try anyway so, I don’t have any regret.

and then it hit me, that’s not every beautiful thing in this world have the same quality inside as it may appear. but I know that most of us are trying to make something ordinary become special in our own way, and that is the thing that we can be grateful for in this old world.

